A list of my publications can be found below, listed (more or less) from newest to oldest. If you are having trouble accessing any of these files, please email me and I will send you a copy. A full list of my publications is also available on my Google Scholar profile.
Legend: (J) = journal, (C) = conference, (U) = under review
Machine Learning and Data Science
(C) Yongacoglu, B., G. Arslan, L. Pavel, and S. Yuksel. “Paths to Equilibrium in Games.” Appeared at NeurIPS 2024 as a Spotlight paper. Link
(J) Yongacoglu, B., G. Arslan, and S. Yuksel. “Mean-Field Games With Finitely Many Players: Independent Learning and Subjectivity.” Journal of Machine Learning Research. Link
(J) Yongacoglu, B., G. Arslan, and S. Yuksel. “Satisficing Paths and Independent Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in Stochastic Games.” SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science. 2023. 5(3): pp. 745-773. SIAM Link, arXiv, pdf
Control and Optimization
- (J) Yongacoglu, B., G. Arslan, and S. Yuksel. “Unsynchronized Decentralized Q-Learning: Two Timescale Analysis By Persistence.” To appear in SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization. arXiv
- An early version of this paper was presented at the 2023 Conference on Decision and Control.
(C) Yongacoglu, B., G. Arslan, L. Pavel, and S. Yuksel. “Generalizing Better Response Paths and Weakly Acyclic Games.” Appeared at 2024 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Link arXiv
(C) Yongacoglu, B., G. Arslan, and S. Yuksel. “Asynchronous Decentralized Q-Learning in Stochastic Games.” 2023 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Link
(C) A. Altabaa, B. Yongacoglu, and S. Yuksel. “Decentralized Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Continuous-Space Stochastic Games.” 2023 American Control Conference (ACC). Link
- (C) Yongacoglu, B., G. Arslan, and S. Yuksel. “Independent Learning and Subjectivity in Mean-Field Games.” 2022 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 2845-2850). Link
- Awarded the 2023 Networks and Communication Systems Technical Committee’s Outstanding Student Paper Prize
(J) Yongacoglu, B., G. Arslan, and S. Yuksel. “Decentralized Learning for Optimality in Stochastic Dynamic Teams and Games with Local Control and Global State Information.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 67, no. 10 (2022). Link
(C) Yongacoglu, B., G. Arslan, and S. Yuksel. “Reinforcement Learning for Decentralized Stochastic Control.” 2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Link
- (C) Yongacoglu, B., G. Arslan, and S. Yuksel. “Decentralized Q-Learning with Constant Aspirations in Stochastic Games.” 2019 IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. Link